From lemonade stands to birthday parties, children find creative ways to give back to Le Bonheur

Every gift counts at Le Bonheur, but the most precious are the ones that come from children. Since the doors to Le Bonheur opened, children have brought their pennies to help make this special place possible. Some donations come from patients who just want to express their gratitude and others from children who are learning what it means to give and serve their community. Donations from children are typically directed to the areas of greatest need.

“Being in the hospital can be a challenging experience for kids. They’re missing their friends, the comforts of home and their routines. We use play to help the hospital seem more like home. Thanks to the generous gifts of these children, we’re able to make that possible,” said Child Life Director Jessica Kellough.

Check out some of the ways kids in our community are helping Le Bonheur.

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Lucas Sawyer, 10, decided that his dad, Orthopedic Surgeon Jeff Sawyer, MD, had been so busy at work recently that the kids at Le Bonheur needed his help. So he set up a lemonade stand near the Greenline in Memphis. He raised $52 and recently gave the money to hospital President Meri Armour.


On the one year anniversary of the car accident Sophie and Emilie Wetick survived, the family made a special trip to Le Bonheur. Sophie, 5, brought items on the hospital’s wish list and items for the food pantry to the hospital. After 52 days in the hospital, Sophie wanted to say thank you to the caregivers who helped her recover.


Maggie Miller, Lucy Roaten, Ellie Bailey and Taylor McAdams sold lemonade and snow cones to their friends and neighbors. The girls presented their gift of $158.90 at a Le Bonheur Club meeting. Lucy said, “We decided to raise this money for Le Bonheur because they needed more than we did.”


Abby Ryan, a longtime Le Bonheur patient, organized two fundraisers for the hospital with her friends in the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) club at Blytheville High School. The group recently toured the hospital to see how its $500 donation helps kids.


Lilly Donnell of Tupelo, Miss., turned her 11th birthday party into a celebration for Le Bonheur. Not only did she ask her friend to bring gifts for the hospital, the girls assembled 70 goody bags for patients in the hospital. Each bag included a photo of the girls with the message “We believe in you. Get well soon.” Lilly, who wants to be a pediatrician, remembered a doctor’s appointment years ago at Le Bonheur and wanted to make sure other kids felt as comfortable and loved as she did.

 Do you want to help kids at Le Bonheur? Here are three easy ways:

  1. Organize a drive to collect new toys or gift cards. See our list of needed items on our wish list.
  2. Host a fundraiser. Use your talents, skills and connections to support Le Bonheur. The sky is the limit. 
  3. Join an event already happening…

Help us provide the best care for kids.

Le Bonheur Children's Hospital depends on the generosity of friends like you to help us serve 250,000 children each year, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. Every gift helps us improve the lives of children.

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