CFRI recognized for excellence in safety and compliance

CFRI researchers performed exceptionally well in a recently completed safety and compliance inspection. The Office of Research Safety Affairs at UTHSC, who performed the inspection, reported that the laboratories of CFRI researchers are among the most compliant in the university, with less citations noted per Principal Investigator than for any other department inspected. Two CFRI researchers, Dr. Amber Smith and Dr. Joan Han, did not receive any citations for safetyrelated deficiencies in their laboratories – the only Principal Investigators at UTHSC to achieve this within the last 12 months.

UTHSC’s Office of Research Safety attributes CFRI’s excellent results largely to the coordination of efforts by the CFRI Research Laboratory manager, Billie Masek. Contact Billie with any safety or compliance queries via email or by phone (901) 287-5083.

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